Sacred Heart Council 8680
November 2022 Business Meeting
GK Report
-Introduction of new members
-Communications – Web page and calendar of current events
Treasurer Report – Updated membership with checking account balance.
Membership Report –
The council currently has 91 Active Members. Recent transfers that are now on the roster are Charles Yelle and Mike Shadroui. Mitchell Pezdek and Rick Thelen were voted in as transfers at the meeting. Their paperwork was sent to Supreme. Logan Afton submitted a transfer request that will be voted on at the December meeting. Jerry Jackson has also expressed interest. Jerry will complete his RCIA on December 17th. All are encouraged to come.
Other Reports
Our programs as Knights of Columbus should help provide encouragement, engagement and evangelization to our parish and the community. We pray that Our Lord will accomplish His will and lead us to holiness, helping us work towards being better men and better disciples.
Family Director – Jay Basinger
-Family of the Month – Jay will be organizing a committee to assist with the submission and recognition of Family of the month.
-Food for Families – Support Sister Mary Roberts Ministry. Knights are needed to bag up items and help load cars. We need to support Saturday morning from about 9-12. The date can vary month to month. Thanks to T. D’Mello, G. Fischer, J. Robinson, B. Rippi, T. Blanton. Nick C, Mike S, and Duane K for help in Nov. Help made a big difference. 75 Families were assisted. Next one is Dec 17th Similar help will be needed in December.
-World Marriage Day – 2/11. Knights to sponsor event. DJ scheduled. Ticket sales to start in Dec. Others in church will assist. Sue and Sam Tuluri are helping to head committee. M Shadroui donated beer and wine for event. Next meeting is scheduled for 12/18. Promotion has started with bulletin board and bulletin.
-St. Patrick’s Day - Council agreed to put on World Marriage Day, St. Patrick’s event and 3 Fish Fries. Council suggested possibly scaling back dinner on St. Patrick’s to make more doable. Coordinating with Catholic Daughters for meal details. Not much progress at 11/20 because key players not present. Next meeting scheduled for 12/18. Celebration event is 3/11.
Faith Director – John Baughman
-Into the Breach – a program to deepen men’s spirituality and formation to combat the crisis of religious faith in our world. We will cover a different topic each month. Fr. Eckert/Deacon Mazur will give monthly reflections during Men’s night. Supreme has a video for each topic. The council will have booklets for reflection and discussion. The discussion will be during the social. Video and small group discussion at social to follow. The next one is Dec 1st on Fatherhood. John Baughman will facilitate small group.
-Holy Hour and Adoration – Knights are signed up for Holy Hour and Adoration on the First Saturday of every month from 7 am to 8 am (immediately before Mass). Next one is on Dec 3rd.
-Refund Support Vocational Program (RSVP) – Vocational Chairman Sal Potestivo will assist in communications and prayers for our two seminarians. The council will donate $500 each to be eligible for a refund of $200 from Supreme.
Community Director – Duane Krzysik
-Assist Family Director with Food for Families – Support Sister Mary Roberts Ministry.
-Rowan Helping Ministries –
o Nov 18th DINNER. Shepard’s Pie Dinner. (Volunteers - B. Blankenship, M. Shadroui, N. Cianciosi, J. Shafffer, B. Rippi, J. Baughman. B Washington, C Desch, K Strobel)
o Nov 19 19th BREAKFAST Lead J Shaffer (Volunteers – L Kobylus, M Shadroui, M Soto, U. Flores, R. Trujillo)
Life Director – Len Kobylus
-Tuesday, November 1st was the Life Choices Annual Banquet. The Knights will be supporting with a $500 donation. A grant application under the Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP) program for $100 was sent to Supreme and approved. Met with Cindy Johnson, Development Director. FB posting on church site and Life Choices site about donation. Assist needed with break down on Nov 2 9:30 to noon. Event raised $55K. Event deemed great success due to many new connections and partnerships.
-Life Choices requested the Knights to assist with painting assistance. Several rooms need painting. Event scheduled for 12/9 starting at 9 am. Contact Greg Fischer if you can help
-LAMB -Help those Least Among My Brethren – LAMB. Current donations are over $2100. At the end of the year, we will get checks to support Arc of Rowan County and Special Olympics. Michael Hallett is checking on additional ways to raise money for LAMB. Talked with supervisor at Belk about getting added to Belk Charity for LAMB. Additional Tootsie rolls ordered and put in Knights closet.
-Special Olympics- Get our council plugged into the activities and needs of Special Olympics. Duane will get information to Len.
-State is promoting an Organ Donor program. If someone is interested in chairing the effort, please see me for more information.
Unfinished Business
-D. Morris is working on KofC Sign for shed.
-Shirts – Shirts are in and available for pick up. XL and below $30, XXL $31 and XXXL $32
-Assistance Bilvia Sandoval in getting vehicle at Charlotte Airport. Paid for parking and locksmith. Council voted to cover cost of locksmith and parking of $310. Knights of Columbus AD&D benefit was approved for family. Bob Gordon working with family.
-Holiday party 12/30. Duane contacted Darron Dulkoski and scheduled event for 6 pm.
New Business
-100 Club winners for Nov – Michael Hallett $300, Sal Potestivo $150 and Tim Hatcher $50
-Nativity Set up is scheduled for December17th starting at noon (following SMRM)
-Name Badges for new members – Mike Shadroui, Charles Yelle, Logan Afton, Mitchell Pezdek and Rick Thelen
-Sign up sheets passed out for Sister Mary Roberts help and Life Choices painting work.
Good of Order – Greg Miller, Mary Patton George, Tom Robinson, Frank Buige and Sue Tuluri