GK Report
- Welcome to Darrell Kimball as a new member of our council. Congratulations to Charles Desch and Rick Thelen for advancing to 3rd Degree.
- Membership dues are entering second billing. Please make provisions for payment.
- Communications – Web page https://salisburykofc.org/ and calendar of current events
- State Convention this weekend in Winston.
- Meeting with Church & CDA
- Church picnic 9/30
- We discussed how the Capital Campaign for the church is wrapping up and what some next steps are. Michael informed me that focus for the next 12 months will be on a Rectory and acquiring additional priests. He indicated the John Eckert Sr is working on a 5+ year strategic plan. They will be reaching out to active ministries first to determine needs and desires. Then they will move to parish input. We may see some surveys soon.
- Checking on variable lighting options for gym for events
Treasurer Report – Updated membership with checking account balance. New budget needed for approval.
Membership Report –
The council currently has 92 Active Members. John Schoenberger and Tom Voignier transferred in. Jason Smereczniak is looking to transfer in. Lee Fisher, Keith McBride and Paul Noseworthy are potential new members.
Other Reports
Our programs as Knights of Columbus should help provide encouragement, engagement and evangelization to our parish and the community. We pray that Our Lord will accomplish His will and lead us to holiness, helping us work towards being better men and better disciples.
Family Director – Jay Basinger
- Family of the Month –
- Food for Families – Support Sister Mary Roberts Ministry. Knights are needed to bag up items and help load cars. We need to support Saturday morning from about 9-12. The date can vary month to month. Next one is May 19th and 20th.
- St. Patrick’s Day - Knights received a $200 donation and had all expenses covered.
- Church picnic – 9/30
- Joint Christmas Party w/Catholic Daughters –.
Faith Director – John Baughman
- Into the Breach – a program to deepen men’s spirituality and formation to combat the crisis of religious faith in our world. We will cover a different topic each month. Supreme has a video for each topic. The council will have booklets for reflection and discussion. The discussion will be during the social. Video and small group discussion at social to follow. No Breach in April due to Holy Thursday Mass. The next one is May 4th at 6:30 in the School Art Room on Prayer.
- Holy Hour and Adoration – Knights are signed up for Holy Hour and Adoration on the First Saturday of every month from 7 am to 8 am (immediately before Mass). Next one is on May 6th.
- Refund Support Vocational Program (RSVP) – Refund obtained and deposited in account.
- Fish Fry Lenten Dinners are 2/24, 3/24 and 3/31. On Feb 24th 156 dinners purchased and 220 on 3/24, 170 on 3/31. CDA supported several times with multiple desserts at no charge. Injury occurred on last event pouring out oil
- Partners in Hope - Knights help host 2 tables at the Partners in Hope Banquet for the Diocese of Charlotte Catholic Charities. Knights and their families made up 10 of the 14 seats at the table. Knights and their families helped represent our church and submitted donations to assist Catholic Charities with their work.
- Lenten Breakfast – Knights hosted 3/27 after 7 am Mass. Duane K coordinated..
Community Director – Duane Krzysik
- Assist Family Director with Food for Families – Support Sister Mary Roberts Ministry.
Life Director – Len Kobylus ASAP check presented to Life Choices Rowan.
- LAMB -Help those Least Among My Brethren –Talked with Maria Lewis, Sales Team Manager at Belk about getting added to Belk Charity for LAMB. Next Charity Sale is May 5th – 7th. Tickets are available after mass or contact Logan Afton or Greg Fischer
- Helped Life Choices Rowan by installing curtain rods on Mar 3rd. They are seeking help to assemble an office chair.
- Walk for Life - The Knights of Columbus registered as a walker for the local pregnancy center Walk for Life. The Knights registered under our church's team. The Knight's raised $2350 for the walk and were recognized as the top individual fundraisers for the event. The church raised $2650 with the help of Debbie Hartley. Life Choices raised over $42,000 (beating last year’s goal).
- Special Olympics- Four Knights came out to support the Rowan County Spring Games. One member did the invocation prayer at the beginning of the event. We helped with track events and talked to the leadership about becoming more actively involved.
Unfinished Business
- Shed KofC Sign? David Morris. Shirt for Stan Grabowski and nametag for Luis and new members
- Election of Officers – Officer Slate started. Bill Riippi offered nomination for DGK, Logan Afton offered nomination for Treasurer. April to continue with nominations. Final elections at May Business Meeting.
- Youth Support of Jamica Mission Trip – Support Mother’s Day Breakfast on 5/14 and looking at additional fundraiser.
New Business
- 100 Club winners for April – Wendy Roueche, Andrew Buckland and Cloninger
- Checking on NC Gaming requirements for future fundraising.
- Belk Charity Ticket Sales – 3/30 after Mass. Tickets available for individual sale.
Good of Order – Greg Miller, Bill Washington