GK Report
- Welcomed David Watson as new transfer
- Received a thank you letter from ARC for $500 donation from LAMB funds.
- Communications – Web page https://salisburykofc.org/ and calendar of current events
- After Council Elections – Form 185 will be submitted to Supreme and State Directory will be updated. Also, will be working on completing a form for Columbian Award and associated Program reports. The new GK will be developing a calendar, selecting Program Directors (Form 365) and developing a budget. Please share any ideas of what you would like to do over the upcoming year.
- The Council received a generous donation of $500 from the family of Jack Youngblood.
- Convention Update – Council was recognized with 3 awards.
- Update from interactions with Church & CDA
- CDA will be developing planning calendar soon. They would like to see where we can work together.
- SH Strategic Planning Group – Strategic Plan was communicated with parish. New priest coming. Rectory to start soon.
Treasurer Report –
- Update account balances
- Recent vouchers – Convention related: Registration, Bishop Fund Charlotte, State Disaster Fund, Culture of Life. Also Catholic Charities
- Fundraising Committee –
BBQ Pit, Raffles, Casino Night, Bingo, 50/50
- Outstanding Dues Balances - several members still need to take care of dues. Please take care of ASAP. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please talk to the GK. He can authorize waiving dues.
Membership Report –
The council currently has 103 Active Members.
Other Reports
Our programs as Knights of Columbus should help provide encouragement, engagement and evangelization to our parish and the community. We pray that Our Lord will accomplish His will and lead us to holiness, helping us work towards being better men and better disciples.
Family Director – Chris Castille
- Family of the Month – Bill Riippi and Mandy for support of church and council.
- Knight of the Month- ________
- Food for Families – Support Sister Mary Roberts Ministry. Knights are needed to bag up items and help load cars. We need to support Friday 6-8 pm and Saturday morning from about 8:30-12. The last one was 5/11. Many Knights came out over 2 days to make this a success. The next SMRM is 6/21 & 6/22. Working with Debbie to get credit for food donations under the program
- Graduation Breakfast – Large crowd came out for Graduation Breakfast. Event was a success. Assisted with cleanup.
Faith Director – Duane Krzysik
- Matthew Harrison’s First Mass of Thanksgiving – Sunday, June 16th at 4 PM. All Knights are encouraged to come. 4th Degree support needed.
- KERMES – The Knights worked with the Hispanic Community to raise money for the Feast of the Sacred Heart. We will be selling beer and wine. We contributed a little over $400. The event raised over $10K for the church. The final amount has not been released yet. Thank you to Ted, Lee, Tony, Mark and Jay. Cursillo – Men’s Weekend 6/6-9. See Ted Blanton.
- Men’s Knight - COR This month encouraged Knights, Catholic Daughters and parishioners to attend the movie “Jesus Thirst” on June 4, 5 or 6. Due to the great response it will also be showing on June 18th and 19th.
- Feast of the Sacred Heart – 6 PM, Friday, June 7th.
- Cursillo – Men’s Weekend 6/6-9. See Ted Blanton.
- Bishop Martin Ordination – 5/29. Darrell and Greg were able to attend.
Community Director – Jim Bertrand
- Handrail installation & ramp build – Jeep Sabo, Joe Shaffer, Chuck Desch and Greg Fischer assisted the Youngbloods with installing a handicap ramp. They were very appreciative and made a donation to the council.
- Assisted moving – Assisted parishioner Marilyn Marino in moving on April 27th. Thanks to Chuck Desch, Keith McBride, Greg Fischer.
- Possible yard cleanup for elderly couple – Duane K checking on details
- Bishop Siby returning – 6/29 and 6/30. Fundraise? Donate or special event?
Life Director – Len Kobylus
- Special Olympics-
- Spring Games on April 22th at West Rowan HS. Mike Shadroui assisted.
- Polar Plunge – Trophy engraved and to be presented to council by Len.
- Life Choices - Pregnancy Resource Center reached out to get re-connnected. Recommend new GK and Life Director schedule time to visit Debbie Sexton, Executive Director.
- Walk for Life on June 8th from 9-11 am. Walk will leave from Life Choices and go to Court House. KofC Team raised $2113 of the $10K raised at the event. Hope to get Supreme to donate another $200 under the ASAP program.
- Baby Bottle Campaign should be wrapping up. If you can make a donation to the Knights, we can use the ASAP to help get additional funds.
- LAMB – Belk Charity June 7-9. Money made from $5 ticket sales goes directly to LAMB. Let me know if you can help sell tickets in the store.
- Rosary at the Square – June 8th at noon by Spanky’s
4th Degree Report
- Exemplification May 18th in Winston Salem. New S/K Logan Afton and Rocky C. Next meeting 3rd Thursday at Gil Hall in Concord or via Zoom.
- Working with the local VA – Darrell Kimbell.
Insurance Report-
- Bob Gordon explained to the membership the changes that happened under the SECURE act and explained how inherited IRAs can be a tax time bomb for grown children. Bob handed out an article detailing it and recommended a follow personal meeting to come up with the best strategy.
- There is a Webinar on June 18th at 8 PM that will count as our final Fraternal Benefit Night requirement for Star Council. We need seven more people to let me know that you signed up, to get credit.
Please sign up at
Unfinished/New Business –
- Election of Officers – 2024-2025 Officers
Grand Knight – Bill Riippi
Deputy Grand Knight – Darrell Kimball
Chancellor – Nick C
Recorder – Chuck Desch
Treasurer – Logan Afton
Advocate – Chris Castille
Warden – Rocky Cabagnot
Inside Guard – Lee Fisher
Outside Guard –Brian Blankenship
One Year Trustee – Len Kobylus (progression, not elected)
Second Year Trustee – Duane Krzysik (progression, not elected)
Third Year Trustee – Greg Fischer
Financial Secretary – Tony D’Mello (appointed)
Chaplain – Fr. John
- 100 Club Winners - 100 club winners for April – Jack Youngblood $300, Rickilyn Mancil $150 and Ken Washko $50
Good of Order – Greg Miller, Brian Blankenship’s mom and dad, Leona Desch, Anna Robinson, Bishop Jugis, Ester Youngblood, Tamar Clemmons
Next Meeting – June 25 at 7 PM in the School Art Room